Colossians 3:23-24

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."

Monday, August 27, 2012

Is it REALLY important to learn music?

Thad directing/teaching a choir workshop to the people of Victory Baptist Church in Panama
A talented young man in Panama who is preparing to serve in full time ministry

What a year it has been for Mountain View Jr. Music Club so far! How blessed we are to have had the opportunity to see the Lord at work in the hearts and lives of people in Panama and Trinidad this summer!  When you travel to visit other ministries, you are able to see how important music and musicians are in helping to spread the good news of Jesus Christ!
Digital Piano donated to the Victory Baptist Church by the Mountain View Baptist Church Mission Team
Music can "open the door" to:  WITNESS... by drawing a crowd for church services or special meetings.You should see how the people gather at an assisted living center, hospital,or street corner and whip out their cell phones to record a group of musicians singing or playing instruments!..(specifically if it is a group of children and teens.)  HELP one to strike up a conversation with a stranger because they see you carrying an instrument around and they are curious to know what you play. ...3. SPREAD the gospel message,scripture and Bible doctrine through song.
Kuna Indian ladies in choir workshop in Panama
....4. AIDE believers in preparing their hearts for worship Small churches around the world know the importance of having a quality music program, yet they can't offer to pay what the big churches offer to have quality musicians play and sing for their worship services. Many missionaries live in mission fields where music teachers are not readily available to teach their children music lessons. Our hearts were touched by the pleas of the teens we met on our mission trips asking us if we would stay for a year so that they could learn how to play the piano and sing!
Mrs. Booth and her daughter
While in Trinidad, the missionary's wife took every opportunity she could to ask questions in order that she could learn how to help her adult, children, ladies, and teen choirs. She was grateful for every piece of music, recording, computer game, and instructional d.v.d that was given to her. In both mission churches, it was convicting to see how their people were utilizing every moment to develop their talents to serve the Lord to their fullest potential! Their church members would sit through four to five hour choir workshops and voice lessons.
Arianna, the talented young lady who gets two to three piano lessons a year, yet is being used greatly as the the church pianist in Trinidad.
Missionary's wife in Trinidad and her ladies ensemble

The missionary's daughter in Trinidad came home from camp and had a piano lesson that started after 10:00 p.m. and lasted until after MIDNIGHT! Seeing the great needs in the churches around us, and throughout the world, has lit a passion within us to equip musicians to serve the Lord and to encourage them to  use their gifts in talents in their own church music programs. Although you may attend a church that doesn't seem to "need" any more musicians, you must prepare for the day when you or your child may be used of the Lord to minister through music in a nursing home, hospital, small church, children's church, choir, orchestra, small instrumental ensemble,on a mission field, or with a short term mission team.

Past and present students of Mountain View Jr. Music Club practicing for a special in Panama
MVJMC expects much  from it's students because we know that the major opportunity to prepare for future service is NOW during their school years. If students rely upon God to help them to be teachable, to practice correctly, to share their gifts and talents with others as they have opportunity, and to apply what they have learned during lessons, they will find God using them to be a blessing in their local church and possibly around the world!
The Pan/Am orchestra playing Sunday in Panama
Preparing another ladies special for Panama services
Accompanying the church service of another church we visited in Panama.  The piano was not in tune and didn't have all the keys, but she IMPROVISED!
There is JOY in serving Jesus
Emily with a piano offertory in Panama
Music method books, vocal training books and DVDs,  vocal and piano music (along with the recorded midi accompaniments on a flash drive) were also donated to the Charity Baptist Church in Trinidad. * Special thanks to Kathy and Marissa for recording the accompaniments and to Bill for transferring the midi files from the floppy disks and sending them through email or order  that they could be downloaded to a flashdrive and used to accompany the choirs and special music in Trinidad!*
Pan/Am ladies special all in Spanish
  Prepare to GIVE YOUR BEST to the Master this year and it is our prayer that you will grow in your personal relationship with God this year. As you live to serve and please God with your time and talents, you will find your musicianship improving! Maybe you will find yourself recording music for missionaries, accompanying a choir or church service, arranging or composing music, organizing a musical group, or providing the special music for your church or community within the near future!

Summer News

Several present and former students of MVJMC, Emily, Garron, Christine('04) Patricia('09), Marissa ('12), and Victoria ('12), took the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Panama this summer. They all were a HUGE blessing to the missionaries and church there in Panama! They helped paint, sew new curtains for the auditorium, sing, clean buildings, pass out salvation tracts and literature, build new benches for the S.S. classrooms, play in the Panamanian/American orchestra, and provide piano and instrumental offertories for the various services. What a blessing it was to see God working in our hearts and lives as well as in the hearts and lives of those we came to minister to. The team went together to purchase a digital keyboard, sewing machine, gospel cd's to distribute, and spanish piano method books for the church members of Victory Baptist to start learning how to play the piano.
The Panamanian/American Orchestra
Garron playing offertory
Christine practicing to accompany the ladies group
After the evening service in the Kuna Indian Village
Garron as a clown making balloon animals for the "Day of the Child" Sunday
Stuffing cd's with tracts for Saturday soul-winning and visitation
Victoria and Patricia practicing for orchestra .......more pics to follow in next post......

Monday, July 30, 2012

Senior Recital Pictures

Spring Recital

What a wonderful recital we had this year! The student's progress has been so encouraging! Here are some pictures from the recital.